Our Collective

Emad Alhlabi

Co-founders of SFD (Syrian association in Denmark)

“I’m a Syrian political activist. Arrived to Denmark in 2014 following the mass displacement that was brought about by the oppressive regime in Syria and its autocracy.

SFD was founded to defend the Syrian cause along all other refugees’ fleeing war and persecution. We support all fellow refugees in their struggle to become active and productive citizens in Denmark.”
Naja Marie Danvold

” I am a legal advisor for refugee and migrant families at Vores Asylbørn, in the areas of asylum, residency, family reunification and family law.

I am also an activist, coordinator and fundraiser at the Sit-in Movement working for refugee rights and humane asylum in Denmark.

I spend a great deal my free time volunteering and working for different grass-root initiatives and organizations, and I currently study law at The University of Copenhagen.

Fedaa Sultan 

Co-founder & Chairperson of Madar,

“I am an intuitive and visionary educator, cultural worker, community builder, and proiject manager. I’m passionate about working for bringing justice and social change to those who are most marginalized in our society.

Growing up as a Egyptian-Palestinian refugee has influenced my identity and played a big role in my work over the past 8 years. I use my pedagogical and curatorial skills to create events, projects and workshops that bring attention to the structural causes of social injustice.

Along with Emad Alhlabi, and Naja Marie Danvold we devoted the past 2 years to co-founding and running The Sit-in Movement – A movement for Migrants and Refugee Justice in Copenhagen.

In 2022 we’ve established Madar Collective as an assosciation through which we carry and emplement our work”